FAST >> fwd,  July 2019 17” x 11” Digital assemblage

FAST >> fwd,
July 2019
17” x 11”
Digital assemblage

Created with layers of video stills from my VJ clip library in collage with assorted visuals related to future visions, 5d realities, shadow planes, cyborgs, cyberpunk, and transhumanism. 

Each Summer I usually revisit old friends in (& favored) texts, books, and series. I’ve been occupying myself with William Gibson, Eva, Darling in the Franxx, GITS, and Psycho Pass + Barthes, Debord, and Baudrillard. I find myself thinking about future visions and a world where automation means freedom; where a post human would be without gender binaries; and the ways in which we fear technological advancement when we should fear government harnessing. I’ve been musing over internet culture, early mIRC chat rooms, technofeminism, simulations, spectacle, megacities, multiverses, frequencies, and realities. Our relationship, reliance, and enmeshment with technology and our devices have proved especially prudent given this ‘new every day’.